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The Delicate Chew & Treat Box is a delightful assortment of healthy, 100% natural treats and chews.


Perfect for puppies aged 12 weeks+,  this box is thoughtfully designed to provide your dog with a diverse mix of proteins and textures.


The box contains a mix of meaty treats, crunchy snacks and longer-lasting gentle chews.



2 x Chicken Feet

2 x Duck Feet

2 x Large Chicken Necks

1 x Puffed Chicken Foot

2 x Furry Rabbit Ears

1 xPuffed Pigs Snout

1 x Beefy Meat Biltong

2 x Beefy Biltong Tubes

1 x Lamb Braid

1 x Lamb Snout

1 x Cows Ear Flap

1 x Plain Lambs Ear

2 x Pheasant and Partridge Pure Sticks

2 x Salmon Pure Sticks

2 x Duck Pure Sticks

2 x Turkey Pure Sticks



1 x Training Treat Pouch (Duck, Salmon, Venison, Turkey, Pheasant & Partridge, 


Feeding Guidelines

As with all natural chews, we recommend to supervise your dog while feeding and to ensure that fresh clean drinking water is always available.

The Delicate Treat & Chew Box

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